"No, I will not abandon you as orphans—I will come to you."
John 14:18

About Me

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Terrance is in the United States Army. Mandy is a stay-at-home mom. Together we have a 4 year old son, Lucas. This blog is about our adoption journey.
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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Garage Sale Recap

We had such blast at the garage sale two weekends ago. It was such a blessing to have friends come out and help us put it together. To be honest, Terrance and I were shocked by the out pooring of volunteers and by the amount of money we were able to raise. Our goal for the entire sale was to make $1000 total. We were able to make $1804.20! God is so good! He absolutely blew our expectations out of the water.

Friday was the busy day for sure. We made $1200 that day and most of it in the very first hours of the sale. We had shoppers show up before the sale had even offically started. A couple of ladies were shopping our of the garage as we unloaded. Luckily I had the majority of my volunteers on Friday. God knew I would need them! It was mass chaos for sure. I am so grateful for the group of friends that came and sorted through the piles and piles of stuff! Saturday was slower but still profitable. By the time the sale was all through, Terrance and I were EXHAUSTED!!! And thrilled of course! We could not have asked for a better weekend!

I am not the best photographer on the planet. I usually just forget that my camera is in my bag and then kick myself  later for not taking any photos. I did manage to take some photos at the garage sale, mostly of the first day, so I thought I would share them with you today.

The garage half emptied! We started unloading at about 7 am on Friday. Needless to say, we had a lot of stuff!

The awesome sign my friend Jenny made!

Still unloading the garage

A flattering (not) photo of me manning the cash register. And, yes we did use Lucas' toy register. :)

Terrance wasn't able to be at the sale much of Friday since he was unable to take the day off of work. He did manage to stop by at lunch to "supervise" the cupcake stand. ;)


My sweet friend Lauren set up a cupcake and lemonade stand. I must say that her cupcakes were a hit!

This is a photo of the sale midday on Friday. Believe it or not A LOT of stuff was gone by then.

My friends Ali and Tara helping us get ready for day 2!

Lucas had a blast testing out all the toys before they sold

Sweet friends Lauren and Brittany sorting out all the clothes for round number 2!

I must give a quick shout out to everyone who donated, volunteered, shopped and prayed. Our family is so incredibly blessed by you! This was all made possible because of your giving hearts. THANK YOU!!!


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